
In preparation

The Royal Tomb of Horemheb in the Valley of the Kings. A Re-investigation. With an Account of the Unnamed Tomb KV 58. By Geoffrey Thorndike Martin and Jacobus van Dijk. With contributions by David A. Aston, Edwin C. Brock†, Corinne Duhig, Roxie Walker. The Cambridge Expedition to the Valley of the Kings in collaboration with The New Kingdom Research Foundation.

In press

The Sakhmet Statues in the Mut Precinct, South Karnak. By Richard A. Fazzini, Mary McKercher and Jacobus van Dijk. The Brooklyn Museum Expedition to the Precinct of Mut at South Karnak. OLA .... Leuven, Paris, Bristol CT, 2024.


"The Hieratic Dockets", in: The Tomb of Maya and Meryt, III: The New Kingdom Pottery. By Barbara G. Aston and David A. Aston. With a chapter on the hieratic dockets by Jacobus van Dijk and photographs by Peter-Jan Bomhof. EES Excavation Memoirs, 117 (London, 2023), 345–373.


"Ritual Homicide in Ancient Egypt", in: Karel C. Innemée (ed.), The Value of a Human Life. Ritual Killing and Human Sacrifice in Antiquity. PALMA 26 (Leiden, 2022), 41–52.
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"Four Notes on Tia and Iurudef", in: Ben van den Bercken (ed.), Egyptian Delta Archaeology. Short Studies in Honour of Willem van Haarlem (Leiden/Amsterdam, 2021), 61–70.
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Review of: Patricia Spencer, Amara West III: The Scenes and Texts of the Ramesside Temple. EES Excavation Memoirs, 114 (London 2016), in: BiOr 77 No. 5/6 Sept.–Dec. 2020), 503–508.
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"In Memoriam Prof. Dr. H. te Velde en Dr. Julia Harvey" (with Harco Willems), in: Mehen. Essays over het oude Egypte [8] (2020), 266–273.
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"Not Horemheb, but Meryneith: The Fields of Iaru Relief in the Liebieghaus", in: GM 257 (2019), 41–48.
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"Land van de farao's: Egypte onder Nubisch bestuur", "De Nubische dynastie: nieuwe inzichten in oude farao's", "De tempel van Moet: monumentale bouwprojecten door de Nubische farao's", in: Bastiaan Steffens (ed.), Nubië: Land van de Zwarte Farao's. Internationale Archeologie in het Drents Museum, 10 (Zwolle/Assen, 2018), 64–79.
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"Twee viziers in één graf? Speculaasjes in Saqqara", in: Olaf Kaper, Lara Weiss, Pieter ter Keurs & Vivian Baan (ed.), Liber Amicorum Martino Raven decies mille ob strenuam felicemque antiquitatum aegyptiarum oblatus contentionem (Leiden, 2018), 31–33.
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"Het boek Amdoeat", in: Maarten J. Raven (ed.), Goden van Egypte. Op zoek naar de wetten van de kosmos (Leiden, 2018), 113–118.
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"The Cloaked Man Determinative", in: Camilla Di Biase-Dyson and Leonie Donovan (ed.), The Cultural Manifestations of Religious Experience. Studies in Honour of Boyo G. Ockinga. ÄAT 85 (Münster, 2017), 327–337.
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"The Memphite Harîm Official Tjairy", in: Vincent Verschoor, Arnold Jan Stuart & Cocky Demareé (ed.), Imaging and Imagining the Memphite Necropolis. Liber Amicorum René van Walsem. Egyptologische Uitgaven, 30 (Leiden/Leuven, 2017), 3–7.
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Tutankhamun's Regent. Scenes and Texts from the Memphite Tomb of Horemheb for students of Egyptian art, iconography, architecture, and history. By Geoffrey Thorndike Martin. With contributions by Jacobus van Dijk, Christopher J. Eyre, and Kenneth J. Frazer†. EES Excavation Memoirs, 111. London, 2016.
   Revised and expanded edition of The Memphite Tomb of Horemheb, Commander-in-Chief of Tutankhamun I: The Reliefs, Inscriptions, and Commentary. EES Excavation Memoirs, 55 (London, 1989).

Another Mouthful of Dust. Egyptological Studies in Honour of Geoffrey Thorndike Martin. Edited by Jacobus van Dijk. OLA 246. Leuven, Paris, Bristol CT, 2016.
→ www

"A Statue of Yupa and his wife Nashaia in the New Kingdom Necropolis at Saqqara", in: J. van Dijk (ed.), Another Mouthful of Dust. Egyptological Studies in Honour of Geoffrey Thorndike Martin. OLA 246 (Leuven, Paris, Bristol CT, 2016), 91–106.
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"Een majestueuze opvoeding", in: Olaf E. Kaper (ed.), Koninginnen van de Nijl. Macht en schoonheid in het Nieuwe Rijk (1539–1077 v.Chr.) (Leiden, 2016), 51–54.
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"Sinoehe & Het Testament van Amenemhat: literatuur rondom een koningsmoord" (with Judith Jurjens) [review article of: Maud & Ping Cleton, Sinuhe & Het Testament van Amenemhat (Leiden, Primavera Pers, 2013)], in: Phœnix 61/2–3 (2015), 121–130.
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"Revolutie en contrarevolutie: het begin en het einde van Achnaton's religieuze omwenteling", in: Phœnix 61/1 (2015), 5–24.
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The First Pylon of the Mut Temple, South Karnak: Architecture, Decoration, Inscriptions. Edited by Richard A. Fazzini and Jacobus van Dijk. The Brooklyn Museum Expedition to the Precinct of Mut at South Karnak. OLA 236. Leuven, Paris, Bristol CT, 2015.
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   See review on
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"The Inscriptions: Transcription, Translation, and Commentary" (with Jean-Claude Goyon and Herman te Velde), in: Richard A. Fazzini and Jacobus van Dijk (ed.), The First Pylon of the Mut Temple, South Karnak: Architecture, Decoration, Inscriptions. The Brooklyn Museum Expedition to the Precinct of Mut at South Karnak. OLA 236 (Leuven/Paris/Bristol CT, 2015), 19–50.

"The Recarved Ramesside Inscriptions of Texts 17, 18, 22, and 23", in: idem, 51–53.


"Vijfennegentig jaar Egyptologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen", in: Phœnix 60/1 (2014), 35–45.
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"Het tempeldomein van de Egyptische godin Moet in Karnak", in: O.E. Kaper en J.G. Dercksen (ed.), Waar de geschiedenis begon: Nederlandse onderzoekers in de ban van spijkerschrift, hiërogliefen en aardewerk. Uitgave naar aanleiding van het 75-jarig bestaan van het Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 1939–2014 (Leiden, 2014), 301–315.
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"Dieren, mensen en goden in het Oude Egypte", in: Phœnix 59/2 (2013), 79–89.
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The Tomb of Iniuia in the New Kingdom Necropolis of Memphis at Saqqara. By Hans D. Schneider, with the collaboration of Barbara Greene Aston, Jacobus van Dijk, Christine Dijkstra, Rutger Perizonius and Eugen Strouhal. With photographs by Peter Jan Bomhof and plans by Kenneth J. Frazer. PALMA Egyptology, 8. Turnhout, 2012.

The Tomb of Maya and Meryt, I: The Reliefs, Inscriptions, and Commentary. By Geoffrey Thorndike Martin. Text translations and a chapter by Jacobus van Dijk. Survey, plans, and general account of the architecture by Kenneth J. Frazer. Photographs by Peter Jan Bomhof and Anneke de Kemp. EES Excavation Memoirs, 99. London, 2012.


"Een nieuwe Nederlandse grammatica van het Egyptisch" (with Judith Jurjens) [review article of: L.M.J. Zonhoven, Middel-Egyptische Grammatica. Een praktische inleiding in de Egyptische taal en het hiërogliefenschrift gebaseerd op een selectie van teksten (Leuven, Peeters, 2010)], in: Phœnix 57/1–2 (2011), 68–73.
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"The Date of the Gebel Barkal Stela of Seti I", in: David Aston, Bettina Bader, Carla Gallorini, Paul Nicholson and Sarah Buckingham (ed.), Under the Potter's Tree. Studies on Ancient Egypt Presented to Janine Bourriau on the Occasion of her 70th Birthday. OLA 204 (Leuven/Paris/Walpole MA, 2011), 325–332.
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Review of: Hala Nayel Barrakat and Nathalie Baum, Douch II: La végétation antique. Une approche macrobotanique. Documents de Fouilles de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 27 (Le Caire, 1992), (with Sytze Bottema), in: JAOS 130.2 (2010), 325–326.
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"New Light on the Amarna Period from North Sinai" (with James K. Hoffmeier), in: JEA 96 (2010), 191–205, Pl. IV.
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"Tussen droom en daad. Het openluchtspel Ichnaton–Horemheb opgevoerd door het Utrechtsch Studenten Corps in 1926", in: Ta-Mery 3 (2010), 68–80.
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"Over de tempel en de cultus van de Egyptische godin Moet", in: Jacobus van Dijk (ed.), Onder Orchideeën. Nieuwe Oogst uit de Tuin der Geesteswetenschappen te Groningen (Groningen, 2010), 63–76.
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   English translation:
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"Dodencultus en dodenpersoneel in het vroege Egypte", in: Groniek. Historisch Tijdschrift 42 nr. 185 (2009 [mei 2010], = themanummer Dodencultus), 369–382.
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   Republished on, 21 Jan. 2016:
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"New Evidence on the Length of the Reign of Horemheb", in: JARCE 44 (2008 [2010]), 193–200.
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"A Cat, a Nurse, and a Standard-Bearer: Notes on Three Late Eighteenth Dynasty Statues", in: Sue H. D'Auria (ed.), Offerings to the Discerning Eye: An Egyptological Medley in Honor of Jack A. Josephson. Culture & History of the Ancient Near East, 38 (Leiden/Boston, 2010 [2009]), 321–332.
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"The Death of Meketaten", in: Peter Brand and Louise Cooper (ed.), Causing His Name to Live: Studies in Egyptian Epigraphy and History in Memory of William J. Murnane. Culture & History of the Ancient Near East, 37 (Leiden/Boston, 2009), 83–88.
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Review of: Jacco Dieleman, De wereld in evenwicht. Goden en mensen in het Oude Egypte (Salomé/Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2006), in: Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 39 (2008), 40–42.
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"New Evidence on the Length of the Reign of Horemheb", in: Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists, University of the Aegean, Rhodes 22–29 May 2008. Abstracts of Papers. Edited by Panagiotis Kousoulis (Rhodes, 2008), 253–254.

"A Colossal Statue Base of Nefertiti and Other Early Atenist Monuments from the Precinct of the Goddess Mut in Karnak", in: Sue H. D'Auria (ed.), Servant of Mut. Studies in Honor of Richard A. Fazzini. Probleme der Ägyptologie, 28 (Leiden/Boston, 2008), 246–261.
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"Retainer Sacrifice in Egypt and Nubia", in: Jan N. Bremmer (ed.), The Strange World of Human Sacrifice. Studies in the History and Anthropology of Religion, 1 (Leuven, 2007), 135–155.
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"Recent Work in the Mut Precinct at South Karnak" (with Richard Fazzini), in: Egyptian Archaeology 31 (Autumn 2007), 10–13.
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"A Late Middle Kingdom Parallel for the incipit of Book of the Dead Chapter 22", in: BACE 18 (2007), 53–58.
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"An 18th Dynasty Pottery Stela with a Hymn to Re", in: K.N. Sowada and B.G. Ockinga (ed.), Egyptian Art in the Nicholson Museum, Sydney (Sydney, 2006), 293–301, Pl. 55.
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Objects for Eternity. Egyptian Antiquities from the W. Arnold Meijer Collection. Edited by Carol A.R. Andrews and Jacobus van Dijk (Mainz am Rhein, 2006).
   "Two relief slabs of Nyankhnesut", in: Objects for Eternity, 38–41; → pdf
   "False-door stela of Ankhef", in: Objects for Eternity, 41–44; → pdf
   "Trussed calf", in: Objects for Eternity, 58–59; → pdf
   "Human-headed crocodile", in: Objects for Eternity, 72–73; → pdf
   "Openwork cylinder ring", in: Objects for Eternity, 109–110; → pdf
   "Scribal palette", in: Objects for Eternity, 124–125; → pdf
   "Mould for a faience bead of Ay", in: Objects for Eternity, 127; → pdf
   "Pectoral with heart scarab", in: Objects for Eternity, 129–130; → pdf
   "Human-headed heart amulet", in: Objects for Eternity, 130–131; → pdf
   "Fragment of a naophorous statue", in: Objects for Eternity, 142–145; → pdf
   "Naophorous statue of Amenemwia", in: Objects for Eternity, 146–149; → pdf
   "Stela for Prahotep", in: Objects for Eternity, 150–152; → pdf
   "Fragment of a block statue", in: Objects for Eternity, 161–163; → pdf
   "Base of a bronze statuette", in: Objects for Eternity, 171; → pdf
   "The youthful Horus", "Isis suckling Horus", "Osiris standing", "Osiris seated",
    and "The Osiris Myth", in: Objects for Eternity, 180–185; → pdf
   "Feline goddesses", in: Objects for Eternity, 186–188; → pdf
   "Unfinished naophorous statue", in: Objects for Eternity, 206–208; → pdf
   "Miniature block statue of Pa-iu-Hor", in: Objects for Eternity, 212–213; → pdf
   "Horuscippus", in: Objects for Eternity, 214–216; → pdf
   "Decorated spoon with Bes", in: Objects for Eternity, 218–219; → pdf
   "Appendix E: Hieroglyphic inscriptions", in: Objects for Eternity, 275–278. → pdf
   The entire book can be found here:
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"Early Christian Apocrypha and the Secret Books of Ancient Egypt", in: A. Hilhorst and G.H. van Kooten (ed.), The Wisdom of the Egyptians. Jewish, Early Christian, and Gnostic Essays in Honour of Gerard P. Luttikhuizen. Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 59 (Leiden, 2005), 419–428.
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"Amarna: Het Einde van een Religieus Experiment", in: Hans T. Bakker (ed.), Een Tuil Orchideeën. Anthologie uit de Tuin der Geesteswetenschappen te Groningen (Groningen, 2005), 1–11.
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"The Reliefs, Paintings, and Inscriptions" (with Maarten J. Raven), in: The Tomb of Pay and Raʿia at Saqqara. By Maarten J. Raven, with the collaboration of Barbara G. Aston, Georges Bonani, Jacobus van Dijk, Geoffrey T. Martin, Eugen Strouhal, and Willy Woelfli. With photographs by Peter-Jan Bomhof and Elisabeth van Dorp and a plan by Kenneth J. Frazer. EES Excavation Memoirs, 74 (Leiden/London, 2005), 21–50.


"Aangeklaagd bij de godenrechtbank. Een allegorische vertelling over de gebroeders Waarheid en Leugen", in: C. van der Burg en L. Minnema (ed.), In de ban van het kwaad. Het kwaad in religieuze verhalen wereldwijd (Zoetermeer, 2004), 105–112.
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"Relocation of Blocks from the Tomb" (with Boyo Ockinga), in: Boyo G. Ockinga, Amenemone the Chief Goldsmith. A New Kingdom Tomb in the Teti Cemetery at Saqqara. With an archaeological report by Karin Sowada and contributions by Jacobus van Dijk, Mark Spigelman, Elizabeth Thompson, Helen Wilkins, Naguib Victor and Karl Jansen-Winkeln. The Australian Centre for Egyptology: Reports, 22 (Oxford, 2004), 28–35.

"Three Notes on Tutankhamun: His Birth, his Childhood, and his Accession", in: IXe Congrès International des Égyptologues, 6–12 Septembre 2004, Grenoble, France. Résumés des communications/Abstracts of Papers (Grenoble, 2004), 120.


"De Restauratiestèle van Toetanchamon", in: R.J. Demarée en K.R. Veenhof (ed.), Zij Schreven Geschiedenis. Historische documenten uit het Oude Nabije Oosten (2500–100 v.Chr.). MVEOL 33 (Leiden/Leuven, 2003), 226–237.
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"De Sfinx in de Oudheid: van Egypte naar Griekenland en terug", in: Phœnix 49/2 (2003), 51–100.
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"Hell", in: D. B. Redford (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt Vol. 2 (New York, 2001), 89–91.
   Reprinted in: D. B. Redford (ed.), The Ancient Gods Speak. A Guide to Egyptian Religion (Oxford/New York, 2002), 161–164. This title reissued in paperback as The Oxford Essential Guide to Egyptian Mythology (Oxford/New York, 2003).
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"Paradise", in: D. B. Redford (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt Vol. 3 (New York, 2001), 25–27.
   Reprinted in: D. B. Redford (ed.), The Ancient Gods Speak. A Guide to Egyptian Religion (Oxford/New York, 2002), 309–311. This title reissued in paperback as The Oxford Essential Guide to Egyptian Mythology (Oxford/New York, 2003).
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"Ptah", in: D. B. Redford (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt Vol. 3 (New York, 2001), 74–76.
   Reprinted in: D. B. Redford (ed.), The Ancient Gods Speak. A Guide to Egyptian Religion (Oxford/New York, 2002), 322–324. This title reissued in paperback as The Oxford Essential Guide to Egyptian Mythology (Oxford/New York, 2003).
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Several catalogue entries and facsimile drawings in Maarten J. Raven et al., The Tomb of Maya and Meryt, Vol. II: Objects and Skeletal Remains. EES Excavation Memoirs, 65 (London, 2001), notably: Cat. 143 (bowl fragment ... inscribed with hieratic docket), p. 38, Pl. 35; Cat. 369 (vessel fragment ... inscribed with hieratic docket), p. 66, Pl. 51; Cat. 432 (amphora ... inscribed with hieratic docket), p. 76, Pl. 52; etc.
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The Tombs of Three Memphite Officials: Ramose, Khay, and Pabes. By Geoffrey Thorndike Martin, Jacobus van Dijk, Maarten J. Raven, Barbara G. Aston, David A. Aston, Eugen Strouhal and Ladislava Horáčková. With the collaboration of Hans D. Schneider and René van Walsem. Plans and general account of the architecture by Kenneth J. Frazer. Photographs by Peter-Jan Bomhof. EES Excavation Memoirs, 66. London, 2001.

"Toetanchamon: De contrarevolutie van een kind", in: Phœnix 47/1-2 (2001), 90–110.
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"Neksteunen uit de Geelvinkbaai", in: Bulletin van de Kring van Vrienden van het Volkenkundig Museum 'Gerardus van der Leeuw' 10e jaargang nr. 2 (oktober 2001), [4].
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"The Amarna Period and the Later New Kingdom (c.1352–1069 BC)", in: Ian Shaw (ed.), The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt (Oxford, 2000), 272–313, 464–465.
   Published in paperback 2002; new edition 2003, pp. 265–307, 460–462 (→ pdf)
   Translations in Spanish, Czech, Serbo-Croatian, Hungarian, etc.

"De grafkamers van Maya en Meryt", in: Phœnix 46/3 (2000), 110–127.
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"Preliminary Report on the Saqqara Excavations, Season 1998" (with Maarten J. Raven, Geoffrey T. Martin, and Barbara G. Aston), in: OMRO 79 (1999), 9–17.


"Restoring the Burial Chambers of Maya and Meryt", in: Egyptian Archaeology 12 (1998), 7–9.
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"Elite en goddelijk koningschap in Egypte aan het eind van de Achttiende Dynastie", in: Phœnix 44/1 (1998), 7–20.
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"Preliminary Report on the Saqqara Excavations, Season 1997" (with Geoffrey T. Martin, Barbara G. Aston, and Eugen Strouhal), in: OMRO 78 (1998), 31–32.


"Preliminary Report on the Saqqara Excavations, Season 1996" (with Maarten J. Raven, Geoffrey T. Martin, Barbara G. Aston, and Eugen Strouhal), in: OMRO 77 (1997), 73–86.

Essays on Ancient Egypt in Honour of Herman te Velde. Edited by Jacobus van Dijk. Egyptological Memoirs 1 (Groningen, 1997).
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"The Noble Lady of Mitanni and Other Royal Favourites of the Eighteenth Dynasty", in: J. van Dijk (ed.), Essays on Ancient Egypt in Honour of Herman te Velde. Egyptological Memoirs 1 (Groningen, 1997), 33–46.
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The Tomb of Tia and Tia. A Royal Monument of the Ramesside Period in the Memphite Necropolis. By Geoffrey Thorndike Martin. Translations and a chapter by Jacobus van Dijk and contributions by David A. Aston [and] Maarten J. Raven. With plans and general account of the architecture by Kenneth J. Frazer. Photographs by Martinus Vinkesteijn [and] Peter-Jan Bomhof. EES Excavation Memoirs, 58. London, 1997.


"Hymnen aan Re en Osiris in Memphitische graven van het Nieuwe Rijk", in: Phœnix 42/1 (1996), 3–22.
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"La tomba di Horemheb", in: Maurizio Forte & Alberto Siliotti (ed.), Archeologia: Percorsi virtuali nelle civiltà scomparse. Presentazione Jean Leclant (Milano, 1996), 28–29.
"La tombe d'Horemheb", in: Maurizio Forte & Alberto Siliotti (ed.), Archéologie virtuelle: Le passé retrouvé. Préface Jean Leclant (Paris, 1997), 28–29.
"The Tomb of Horemheb", in: Maurizio Forte & Alberto Siliotti (ed.), Virtual Archaeology: Great Discoveries Brought to Life Through Virtual Reality. Foreword Colin Renfrew (London, 1997), 28–29.

"Horemheb and the Struggle for the Throne of Tutankhamun", in: BACE 7 (1996), 29–42.
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"Preliminary Report on the Saqqara Excavations, Season 1995" (with Geoffrey T. Martin, Maarten J. Raven, Barbara G. Aston, and Eugen Strouhal), in: OMRO 76 (1996), 35–39.

"La tombe de Maya, Directeur du Trésor de Toutânkhamon, à Saqqara", in: Bulletin du Cercle Lyonnais d'Egyptologie Victor Loret 10 (1996), 21–44.
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"Kyia Revisited", in: C. Eyre (ed.), Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists, Cambridge 3–9 September 1995. Abstracts of Papers (Oxford, 1995), 50.

"Myth and Mythmaking in Ancient Egypt", in: Jack M. Sasson (ed.), Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, Vol. III (New York, 1995), 1697­–1709.
   Reprinted: Peabody, MA, 2001.
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"The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt" (with Herman te Velde), in: Jack M. Sasson (ed.), Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, Vol. III (New York, 1995), 1736–1740.
   Reprinted: Peabody, MA, 2001.
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"Maya's Chief Sculptor Userhat-Hatiay. With a Note on the Length of the Reign of Horemheb", in: GM 148 (1995), 29–34.
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"Toetanchamon tussen feit en fictie", in: De wereld van Papyrus: Egypte in stripverhaal. – Volkenkundig Museum 'Gerardus van der Leeuw' (Groningen, [1995]), 11–16.

"Entering the House of Hearts: An Addition to Chapter 151 in the Book of the Dead of Qenna", in: OMRO 75 (1995), 7–12.
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"The Tomb-Complex of Pay and Raʿia: Preliminary Report on the Saqqara Excavations, 1994 Season" (with Hans D. Schneider, Geoffrey T. Martin, Barbara G. Aston, Rutger Perizonius and Eugen Strouhal), in: OMRO 75 (1995), 13–31.


"Horemheb en de strijd om de troon van Toetanchamon", in: Phœnix 40/2 (1994), 62–78.
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"The Nocturnal Wanderings of King Neferkareʿ", in: Hommages à Jean Leclant. Contributions réunies par Catherine Berger, Gisèle Clerc et Nicolas Grimal. Volume 4: Varia. BdE 106/4 (Le Caire, 1994), 387–393.
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"Further Evidence for the Coregency of Amenhotep III and IV? Three Views on a Graffito Found at Dahshur" (with James P. Allen and William J. Murnane), in: Amarna Letters: Essays on Ancient Egypt, ca. 1390-1310 B.C., Vol. 3 (Winter 1994), 26–31.
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"Begrafenisrituelen", in: De horizon van het Westen. De dodencultus in het oude Egypte. Uitgave bij de Egyptische collectie in het Volkenkundig Museum 'Gerardus van der Leeuw' te Groningen (Groningen, 1993), 11–13.

"De djedzuil", in: idem, 52–53.

"Noet", in: idem, 56–57.

"Stèles", in: idem, 62–63.

"Drie sarcofaag-elementen", in: idem, 72–73.

The New Kingdom Necropolis of Memphis: Historical and Iconographical Studies. Diss. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 1993.
   N.B. — Most of the contents of this dissertation has been published elsewhere, except the first chapter, entitled "Horemheb, Prince Regent of Tutʿankhamun" (pp. 10–64). Since the book was not widely disseminated at the time and has not yet been scanned for inclusion in the Groningen University Library's repository, this chapter is made available here in pdf form.
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   Chapter 2, "The Overseer of the Treasury Maya: A Biographical Sketch" (pp. 65–83), which is based on two articles published earlier in OMRO 70 and 71, is made available here with some additions and corrections.
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   Chapter 7, "The Ritual of Breaking the Red Pots" (pp. 173–188) is an expanded and updated version of the entry "Zerbrechen der roten Töpfe" in Lexikon der Ägyptologie VI (1986), 1389–1396 (see below).
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"The Tomb of Iniuia: Preliminary Report on the Saqqara Excavations, 1993" (with Hans D. Schneider, Geoffrey T. Martin, Barbara Greene Aston, Rutger Perizonius and Eugen Strouhal), in: JEA 79 (1993), 1–9.


"Hieratic Inscriptions from the Tomb of Maya at Saqqâra: A Preliminary Survey", in: GM 127 (1992), 23–32.
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"The Authenticity of the Arslan Tash Amulets", in: Iraq 54 (1992), 65–68.
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"The Tomb of Maya and Meryt: Preliminary Report on the Saqqara Excavations, 1990–91", (with Hans D. Schneider, Geoffrey T. Martin, Barbara Greene Aston, Rutger Perizonius and Eugen Strouhal), in: JEA 77 (1991), 7–21.

"A Statue Base of May(a) in Copenhagen", in: OMRO 71 (1991), 7–12.

"Hieratic Inscriptions from the Tomb of Maya at Saqqâra", in: Sesto Congresso Internazionale di Egittologia / Sixth International Congress of Egyptology. Turin, 1st–8th September 1991. Abstracts of Papers (Turin, 1991), 70.


"The Overseer of the Treasury Maya: A Biographical Sketch", in: OMRO 70 (1990), 23–28.

Review of: Vera von Droste zu Hülshoff & Birgit Schlick-Nolte, Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Museen der Rhein-Main Region, Lief. 1: Aegyptiaca Diversa, I; Lief. 2: Uschebtis, I (Mainz am Rhein 1984), in: BiOr 47 No. 3/4 (Mei–Juli 1990), 358–362.
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"The Canaanite God Hauron and His Cult in Egypt", in: GM 107 (1989), 59–68.
   N.B. — This article was erroneously published again in a slightly different form in Sylvia Schoske (hrsg.), Akten des Vierten Internationalen Ägyptologen-Kongresses, München 1985, Band 4 = BSAK 4 (Hamburg, 1990), 247–256. Please refer to the GM version only.
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"A Preliminary List of New Kingdom Names and Titles from the EES-Leiden Excavations at Saqqâra (1982-1989)", in: NKMN 2 (September 1989), 8–12.
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"Two Blocks from the Tomb of Ptahmose, Mayor of Memphis and High Stewart in the Domain of Ptah", in: GM 113 (1989), 47–54.
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"An Early Hymn to Osiris as Nocturnal Manifestation of Reʿ", in: Geoffrey T. Martin, The Memphite Tomb of Horemheb, Commander-in-Chief of Tutankhamun I: The Reliefs, Inscriptions, and Commentary. With survey, plans, and general account of the architecture by Kenneth J. Frazer and photographs by C. J. Eyre. EES Excavation Memoirs, 55 (London, 1989), 61–69.
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    Reprinted in Geoffrey T. Martin, Tutankhamun's Regent. Scenes and Texts from the Memphite Tomb of Horemheb for students of Egyptian art, iconography, architecture, and history (EES Excavation Memoirs, 111; London, 2016), 59–66, 160–162.

"[E] Selected Egyptian words" [index], in: idem, 176–179.


"The Development of the Memphite Necropolis in the Post-Amarna Period", in: Memphis et ses nécropoles au Nouvel Empire. Nouvelles données, nouvelles questions. Actes du Colloque international CNRS, Paris, 9 au 11 octobre 1986, édités par Alain-Pierre Zivie (Paris, 1988), 37–46.
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"The Tomb of Maya and Meryt: Preliminary Report on the Saqqâra Excavations, 1987–8" (with Geoffrey T. Martin, Maarten J. Raven and Barbara Greene Aston), in: JEA 74 (1988), 1–14.


"ʿAnat, Seth and the Seed of Preʿ", in: Scripta Signa Vocis. Studies about Scripts, Scriptures, Scribes and Languages in the Near East, presented to J. H. Hospers by his pupils, colleagues and friends. Edited by H. L. J. Vanstiphout, K. Jongeling, F. Leemhuis and G. J. Reinink (Groningen, 1986), 31–51.
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"Wepset", in: Lexikon der Ägyptologie Bd. VI, Lief. 8. Herausgegeben von Wolfgang Helck und Wolfhart Westendorf (Wiesbaden, 1986), 1218–1220.
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"Zerbrechen der roten Töpfe", in: Lexikon der Ägyptologie Bd. VI, Lief. 9. Herausgegeben von Wolfgang Helck und Wolfhart Westendorf (Wiesbaden, 1986), 1389–1396.
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"The Symbolism of the Memphite Djed-Pillar", in: OMRO 66 (1986), 7–20.
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"Tutankhamun at Memphis" (with M. Eaton-Krauss), in: MDAIK 42 (1986), 35–41.
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The Tomb-Chapels of Paser and Raʿia at Saqqâra. By Geoffrey Thorndike Martin, with the collaboration of Hans D. Schneider, Maarten J. Raven, Janine Bourriau, Jacobus van Dijk, David A. Aston. With plans by Kenneth J. Frazer and photographs by Martinus Vinkesteyn. EES Excavation Memoirs, 52. London, 1985.

"The Canaanite God Hauron and His Cult in Egypt", in: Fourth International Congress of Egyptology, Munich 26 August – 1 September 1985. Abstracts of Papers, hrsg. von Sylvia Schoske (München, 1985), 247–248.


"Hymnen uit het dagelijks tempelritueel voor de egyptische godin Moet", in: Schrijvend Verleden. Documenten uit het Oude Nabije Oosten vertaald en toegelicht. Uitgegeven door K. R. Veenhof. MVEOL [24] (Leiden/Zutphen, 1983), 233–246.
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"A Ramesside Naophorous Statue from the Teti Pyramid Cemetery", in: OMRO 64 (1983), 49–60.
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"Egyptian Antiquities in the Bijbels Museum, Amsterdam – II", in: GM 43 (1981), 7–17.
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"The Birth of Horus According to the Ebers Papyrus", in: JEOL 26 (1979–1980), 10–25.
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"The Luxor Building Inscription of Ramesses III", in: GM 33 (1979), 19–29.
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"Egyptian Antiquities in the Bijbels Museum, Amsterdam – I", in: GM 36 (1979), 7–13.
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"De weg van Egypte naar het beloofde land", in: Bijbels Museum. Geïllustreerde handleiding bij de expositie (Amsterdam, 1975), 8, 17–20.


ÄAT Ägypten und Altes Testament
BdE Bibliothèque d'Etude
BiOr Bibliotheca Orientalis
BACE Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology
BSAK Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur. Beihefte
EES Egypt Exploration Society
GM Göttinger Miszellen. Beiträge zur ägyptologischen Diskussion
JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society
JARCE Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt
JEA Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
JEOL Jaarbericht Ex Oriente Lux
MDAIK Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abt. Kairo
MVEOL Mededelingen en Verhandelingen Ex Oriente Lux
NKMN New Kingdom Memphis Newsletter
OLA Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta
OMRO Oudheidkundige Mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden
PALMA Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities